Inspiration Maven

the effortless rush of unintended encouragement . . .

Margie Willis
3 min read5 days ago
Wheelchair racer looking lithe and athletic
Image by Steve Bidmead from Pixabay

Lots of creators want to be an inspiration.

I’m not a fan of reading those who keep writing jack-em-up stuff which evidently massages a kink in their own fragile makeups.

We’ve all read ‘em. Those whose very sense of identity depends on grasping for purpose . . . eager to be perceived as changing lives for the better.


I try NOT to spend my energy trying to inspire.

Positivity is more fun that way.

I moved into this senior ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) building and I suddenly had miles of smooth wide newly-paved space to wheel my ass off . . . after resigning myself to a wheelchair future.

For two years, I’ve been a wheeling mad woman. Manic maniacs must move or murder.

Yesterday I did my all-time high! Fifty laps around this joint! I went out five different times throughout the day starting at six in the morning until six in the evening. I did a ten-lap set . . . half hour of aerobics . . . each time.

Our seniors activity manager, while flaunting doctoral letters after her name on every correspondence…

