Don’t Mind Me a Messa

our untidy love . . .

Margie Willis
2 min read5 days ago
A perfect spiral seen in a snail shell of natural hues.
Image by Frauke Riether from Pixabay

Go ahead and plant your grimy boot
square across my unwavering tits
kick me away . . . away . . . away
even when I let go . . .
surrender brings me closer
not further away
helplessly drawn
gimme the whole enchilada
oozing a messa hot jalapeño burn
crave me some saucy love
I believe in our big hot mess
don’t sanitize yourself for me
liberate those inner growlies
take grizzly off lockdown
let antsy cooties skeedaddle
don’t mind a messa ugly love
bring your broken bones to me
sing me your busted throbbing heart
we may be fragmented and limping
but we’re also hunky-dory
there’s no other way anyone can go
here and now where we happen to be
jump right in and get complicated with me
in a little while that wavering sensitivity wanes
let’s roll back our horizon of potential
so what if we fight to find clarity often
we can get this and we get to do it
it’s okay when we stumble
starting blocks are a slapdash target
on lurching legs we become larks
it’s not a big deal
we can keep it soft
no forever definitions
ease lockdown rigidity
simple stumbles unscorned
our inadequacies not banished
there’s only one way we can breathe
we must jump in how we happen to be
let’s stumble toward imperfect ecstasy
gotta trust in God’s grace and possibility
unplumbed beside a messa untidy love
profound chattering love ineptitude
all we can do is dish it unfiltered
despite our dueling sinewaves

