Can’t See the Savage

for the tresses in your view . . .


Long-haired ox/cow that cannot see for his fringe
D Muller from Pixabay

Can’t see the savage
for the tresses in your view
can’t help you with that.

Fresh crisp raw corn on the cob
Image by hartono subagio from Pixabay

Embrace abandon
get kernels between our teeth
we can spit the chafe.

Image by Annette Meyer from Pixabay

The fern is floating
don’t let kitty sleep too long
lulled into slumber.

Image by Ursula from Pixabay

Time to get crunchy
crack these sparkles wide open
shards drop where they may.

Image by Mollyroselee from Pixabay

Embrace amplitude
the best hues are ferocious
why not saturate?

Image by Tobias Dahlberg from Pixabay . . . caption by Margie Willis

