Can I Rant Gently?

this will be a challenge for my buzzsaw . . .

Margie Willis
2 min read1 hour ago
Image by caissie from Pixabay

I was just tagged, along with hundreds, on a photo-essay committing every mortal sin.

I could write all that I have to say in a review for this posting. But since the writer has summoned hundreds of us to her eleven-minute read, I figure I’ll blast out my response in like manner.

This posting has many top-notch elements . . . strong writing, good photos, compelling love story 💙 💙 💙

My first complaint: I start reading, getting lots of promises of photos, but no images until the end of an eleven-minute read.

This kyna endless suspense is not enjoyable.

Reading eleven minutes of words . . . a photo-essay with no photos . . . is unfathomable, frankly.

Then when photos are finally presented, a dense mass of mostly small photos, not particularly striking or compelling to peruse.

From the start, an improved presentation would intermix photos and words throughout. But to make this mortal sin even more mortal, intermixing isn’t done until the very end . . . photos interspersed with endless lists of tagging hundreds.

Endless lists to tag hundreds…

